It's been ages since I've updated this blog. Which actually makes me a bit disappointed! But, hey! Who has time for negative feelings?
I would do an instagram dump, but that would be a intensely picture heavy post. So, here is a picture of Tori and I this weekend from Index Fest and a picture of how long my hair has gotten. It was the first time I straightened it in months, and I couldn't believe how long it got!
Index Fest was the tits +. The first night was a bit off kilter. It was rushed and we got there and late and left after Andrew Bird's set.
The next night, though. Oh, the next night. I lost my ID, so I had to get X's. I was getting cash out of the ATM, and Warpaint walked passed! They had all of their instruments, so I didn't want to be that bitch that stops them, and their set was starting in a few minutes. But, it was awesome nonetheless.
Their show was great, and they are all so beautiful and wonderful.
We wandered around a bit. I washed my X's and took Tori's wristband. We got some drinks and watched the show inside. The band was Dark Rooms and they were great.
Girl Talk. Fucking Girl Talk. PHENOMENAL. It was a giant dance party and took up the whole lot! Ugh. I can't describe. The big, huge, bright spotlights they had the whole time. The giant beach balls going about the crowd. Confetti blasters! Paper rolls thrown in the air. It was amazing. I will never forget. And his energy on stage... It was the best. The whole bit.
Anyway. I've been so busy at work. I only have two classes, but I wait until the last minute and then I get swamped. I've had lots of things to take care of this month and with Tori also being so busy with school, time has been flying by at a speed that is unreal. I can't believe Halloween is a week away!
I've been being more social, and that's good. I hope to keep it up. I've been sewing. I made this ugly dress the other weekend -
When my grandpa passed away this summer, I took this shirt from his closet. I wanted to be able to wear it all the time and think about him. So I made it into a little, ugly mini dress. I had this collar accessory that I never wore, so I cut it up and put it on here. I am going to work with a bit more before I start wearing it more.
Tori left this AM for Kentucky for Print. She will be back Saturday. So I am making a personal goal to take pictures every night this week...except as I'm typing this I realize that I left my camera at home in a the scurry of this morning.
But, be on the lookout! Good things to come. I can feel it. More sewing. More painting, etc.
Until then.